A Plant

From the crowded rows of a greenhouse shelving unit

to your sunny window ledge.

10 beautiful, shiny leaves.

Water it, once every two weeks. Fertilize it twice a year.

10 beautiful, shiny leaves

Water it, once a week, fertilize it monthly through the summer. Shield it under thin plastic in the spring.

10 beautiful, shiny leaves

Water it twice a week, fertilize it monthly. mist it lightly with a repurposed spray bottle, move it round the house to follow the sun.

10 beautiful, shiny leaves

Water it daily, fertilize it on demand, set it on the linoleum floor of your bathroom while you shower, place it near the humidifier and wipe the leaves with a warm wet towel, move it outside when the sun is shining, and back indoors when night falls.

10 leaves.

Only, it’s not a plant.

It’s a person.

When do you stop tending, what will not grow?

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