Blogger Recognition Award

Wow, the best, and most meaningful awards come from 1.) You peers and 2.) Those who inspire you. And in that way this award is very backward.

DeanJean nominated me from her fantastic blog Zelda Reville.

Her blog is a refreshing mix of music poetry, story telling, and blurting. Always honest and poignant. I initially came across her post about the Cocteau Twins, whom I love and thus was hooked. She is always full of delicate insight and inspiration- so I am humbly happy to do this post!




Rules for The Blogger Recognition Award:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  3. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  4. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
  5. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.


How I started?

My blog is an infant, compared to much of the blogging world. I fought the idea of starting a blog for years. But I’ve been putting together an anthology of my poetry to self publish and I wasn’t coming up with new material. I’m inspired by people, and my life has gotten very busy and adulty at the moment, so I don’t have the opportunity to interact with people as much as I have in the past. Thus I joined the blogging world to mix words and ideas with other creators, to be inspired by reading. Very quickly all the reading spurned my writing, and here I am.


My advice:

Those scars, those demons, those fears….those things about you that you hide from the light of day, they belong in your writing. You should let them bleed through the ink on the paper, because it not only makes you unique and real; it speaks to the truths in others.


Don’t create a vacuum around yourself. Its easy to bunker down and try to write out of your head, but invest in new and different experiences, they will only feed back into your writing.That being said, it doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking, just slow down a bit, notice things more. On your drive home, on an evening walk, at the grocery, try to take things in that you wouldn’t normally pay attention to. Art mimics life or “art uses lies to tell the truth”


The blogs I want to award (hard to just pick 15)




  1. my valiant soul says:

    Congrats and thankyou.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. pinklightsabre says:

    Thanks for the nomination my friend! And love Cocteau Twins…never seems to dry up, squeezing that fruit…enjoy the day. Bill

    Liked by 1 person

  3. MJ Cobra says:

    Congratulations! It’s always nice to receive recognition for your writing. ❤

    Sometime in the Spring or Summer, I found myself depressed and suppressing it online; I acted happy on the blog and social media. Finally, I asked myself why. There are a lot of seemingly perfect lives, and while it's fun to watch for awhile, it makes us feel ostracized or incomplete. To me, what has greater value is showing both the negatives and the positives of life than just me pretending I'm perfect like everyone else.

    Not everyone wants to show that vulnerable, sensitive side though, and that's completely okay. As writers, it kind of comes with the job. Writing is such a personal act that pieces of our emotions and experiences get sprinkled all around our work. I'm happy to hear you advising that it's okay to show scars as well as beauty, and that scars are a mark of beauty too.

    Being reminded to pay attention to the simplicities in life helps me out a lot as well! I try to go on grand adventures and tell myself to blog about it, but lately I've decided to blog about smaller adventures, like spilling water in the bathroom or decorating Halloween cookies.

    Thank you for sharing this post, and again congratulations on your award! Your blog is fantastic and your nomination is well-deserved. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. autistsix says:

    Thank you for nominating me, sorry I’m so late in noticing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. EnglishLitGeek says:

    Wow! just saw this today. Congrats and Thanks! I will update my blog in a few weeks..super busy with my classes right now. much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jessi says:

      Take your time, the challenge is always there!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. autistsix says:

        Thank you for your understanding.


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